Welcome to the Original
Flat Stanley Project!

The longest-lasting literacy site on the internet. Created, owned and voluntarily operated since 1995 by Dale Hubert, M.Ed.
Share ideas and arrange exchanges with hundreds of participants from 28 countries.
How the Flat Stanley Project Works
One of the reasons the Flat Stanley Project has become a success is due to the simplicity of the concept. Kids send a flat visitor to a school, a celebrity, a family member, a politician or anyone of interest and the recipient returns the little flat guy along with a completed journal and perhaps some souvenirs such as post cards, photos, or special items.
Create a free account on The Teachers' Lounge to arrange exchanges either as a classroom teacher or a homeschooler. Those on the List will have access to others on the List so you can make contact and arrange exchanges. Alternatively, you can arrange your own contacts.
Thank you for 30 years of support
“Kids- if YOU keep your sense of humor, and reach out to other kids in ALL the world, and get them to reach out to you in their own way, there may be a human race here in another 100 years!”
Pete Seeger, written to Dale Hubert on the back of his Flat Stanley
Prime Minister's Award for Teaching Excellence
Childnet International Award