Flat female

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Register or view the List of Participant to arrange exchanges.
(Currently 290 classes from 28 countries)
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Black Flat Stanley

Good news! The Application Form and List of Participants are now up and running so participants can arrange exchanges with schools and homeschooling families.

Keep in mind that since this new List of Participants was recently created at the end of October 2022, there are not yet many names on the list. Please add yours.

Registration is free. Registered participants are able to search for exchange partners by country, grade and more. Registered participants are able to send messages to other participants without disclosing their personal email. Your information is never given or sold to third parties.

Scottish female Flat Stanley
Camo Stanley

Two months after you sign up, you will receive an email asking if you would still like to be on the List of Participants. If you reply, your participation wiill be extended another 8 weeks. This has been implemented to keep the list current.

Apologies for the delay in creating this new List of Participants feature. Keep in mind that it is still being adjusted and improved, but I didn’t want to wait any longer. For example, the phrase “My Travel Teddy” will soon be altered to “the Flat Stanley Project”. At this time, the most important thing is that it works and is helpful in arranging exchanges. A few cosmetic improvements are still to be made, but they can be done later. Please contact me if you encounter any problems with the Registration Form or the List of Participants.

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